Uses of Class

Packages that use Xermsg.SlatecException 
Package Description
Mathematikbezogene Klassen, spezielle Funktionen, Wrapper für FORTRAN77-Funktionen aus NETLIB.
Einige Routinen der SLATEC-Library: Elliptische Integrale.
  • Uses of Xermsg.SlatecException in de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math

    Methods in de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math that throw Xermsg.SlatecException 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static void BesselIntegral.main​(java.lang.String[] args)  
    static void EllipticIntegral.main​(java.lang.String[] args)
    static double EllipticIntegral.RC​(double X, double Y)
    Calls DRC from SLATEC.
    static double EllipticIntegral.RD​(double Y)
    Calls DRD from SLATEC, special case RD(0,Y,1).
    static double EllipticIntegral.RD​(double X, double Y, double Z)
    Calls DRD from SLATEC.
    static double EllipticIntegral.RF​(double Y)
    Calls DRF from SLATEC, special case RF(0,Y,1).
    static double EllipticIntegral.RF​(double X, double Y, double Z)
    Calls DRF from SLATEC.
    static double EllipticIntegral.RJ​(double Y, double P)
    Calls DRJ from SLATEC, special case RJ(0,Y,1,P).
    static double EllipticIntegral.RJ​(double X, double Y, double Z, double P)
    Calls DRJ from SLATEC.
  • Uses of Xermsg.SlatecException in netlib.slatec

    Methods in netlib.slatec that throw Xermsg.SlatecException 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static double Drc.drc​(double x, double y, intW ier)  
    static double Drd.drd​(double x, double y, double z, intW ier)  
    static double Drf.drf​(double x, double y, double z, intW ier)  
    static double Drj.drj​(double x, double y, double z, double p, intW ier)  
    static void Xermsg.xermsg​(java.lang.String LIBRAR, java.lang.String SUBROU, java.lang.String MESSG, int NERR, int LEVEL)
    See documentation in file 'xermsg.f'.