Package netlib.specfun
Class MachineConst
public class MachineConst
extends java.lang.Object
Common machine-dependent constants used in Caly0 and Caly1.
(Using recommended values for "IBM PC (8087) (D.P.)", see comments below.)
// C******************************************************************* // C // C Explanation of machine-dependent constants // C // C XINF = largest positive machine number // C XMAX = largest acceptable argument. The functions AINT, SIN // C and COS must perform properly for ABS(X) .LE. XMAX. // C We recommend that XMAX be a small integer multiple of // C sqrt(1/eps), where eps is the smallest positive number // C such that 1+eps > 1. // C XSMALL = positive argument such that 1.0-(X/2)**2 = 1.0 // C to machine precision for all ABS(X) .LE. XSMALL. // C We recommend that XSMALL < sqrt(eps)/beta, where beta // C is the floating-point radix (usually 2 or 16). // C // C Approximate values for some important machines are // C // C eps XMAX XSMALL XINF // C // C CDC 7600 (S.P.) 7.11E-15 1.34E+08 2.98E-08 1.26E+322 // C CRAY-1 (S.P.) 7.11E-15 1.34E+08 2.98E-08 5.45E+2465 // C IBM PC (8087) (S.P.) 5.96E-08 8.19E+03 1.22E-04 3.40E+38 // C IBM PC (8087) (D.P.) 1.11D-16 2.68D+08 3.72D-09 1.79D+308 // C IBM 195 (D.P.) 2.22D-16 6.87D+09 9.09D-13 7.23D+75 // C UNIVAC 1108 (D.P.) 1.73D-18 4.30D+09 2.33D-10 8.98D+307 // C VAX 11/780 (D.P.) 1.39D-17 1.07D+09 9.31D-10 1.70D+38 // C // C*******************************************************************Anmerkung: Intern wird auf D1mach zurückgegriffen.
- Author:
- reiser