Package netlib.specfun

Einige Routinen aus NETLIB/SPECFUN: Besselfunktionen J0, J1, Y0, Y1.

Java-Quellcode mit f2j übersetzt und von Hand nachbearbeitet (z.B. GOTO-Sprünge umgestellt). Package enthält auch die originalen FORTRAN77-Quellen (*.f-Dateien).

Note: The class Bessel provides a more convenient API to these classes.


 Cody, W. J.
 "SPECFUN - A Portable Special Function Package".
 New Computing Environments: Microcomputers In Large-Scale Computing.
 Arthur Wouk (ed.).
 Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1987. 1–12.

 Cody, W. J.
 "Algorithm 715: SPECFUN-a portable FORTRAN package of special function
 routines and test drivers".
 Proceedings of ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 1993. 22–30.

// ====== readme for specfun ======
// SPECFUN 2.5 is a collection of transportable Fortran programs for
// special functions and accompanying test programs similar in
// concept to those in ELEFUNT.  Both single- and double-precision
// versions can be extracted from the supplied source code with simple
// editing changes.  NOTE: at least one version MUST be extracted
// before the source will compile.
// The following files are self-contained.  The file for each function
// also contains the source for any other function required, and each
// test driver contains machar, ren and any function program required
// except the program to be tested.  Thus, for example, the file ribesl
// contains both ribesl and gamma, and the file k0test contains the
// test driver, machar, ren, and k1, but not k0.
// MACHAR has been updated to the version documented in W. J. Cody,
// "MACHAR: A subroutine to dynamically determine machine parameters,"
// TOMS 14, December, 1988.  Various of the test programs are also
// described in articles scheduled for TOMS in 1989 and 1990.
// W. J. Cody, Argonne National Laboratory

reiser, 2011-07-11
  • Class Summary 
    Class Description
    Zero-order Bessel functions of the first and second kind (J0 and Y0).
    First-order Bessel functions of the first and second kind (J1 and Y1).
    Common machine-dependent constants used in Caly0 and Caly1.