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T0 - Variable in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.physics.materials.YoungsModulusRegression
TeeWriter - Class in
Writer that works like the Unix "tee" command.
TeeWriter() - Constructor for class
test() - Static method in class
TestMatrix - Class in Jama.test
TestMatrix tests the functionality of the Jama Matrix class and associated decompositions.
TestMatrix() - Constructor for class Jama.test.TestMatrix
TestTools - Class in de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.test
TestTools() - Constructor for class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.test.TestTools
TEXT_FILE_FILTER - Static variable in class de.stefanreiser.swing.SwingUtils
Vorgefertigte FileFilter für häufig benötigte Dateinamenerweiterungen.
TextLineNumber - Class in de.stefanreiser.swing.text
This class will display line numbers for a related text component.
TextLineNumber() - Constructor for class de.stefanreiser.swing.text.TextLineNumber
Create a line number component.
TextLineNumber(int) - Constructor for class de.stefanreiser.swing.text.TextLineNumber
Create a line number component.
ThermalExpansion - Interface in de.tu_bs.isbs.util.physics.rheology
Element: Wärmeausdehnung.
times(double) - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.Vector
scale this vector by s.
times(double) - Method in class Jama.Matrix
Multiply a matrix by a scalar, C = s*A
times(double[]) - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.matrix.tridiag.TridiagonalMatrix
Matrix-Vektor-Multiplikation für Tridiagonalmatrix: Liefert y := T*x.
times(Matrix) - Method in class Jama.Matrix
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B
timesEquals(double) - Method in class Jama.Matrix
Multiply a matrix by a scalar in place, A = s*A
toCSVString(char) - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.Vector
Vektor als CSV-String ausgeben.
toFunctionString() - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.physics.materials.StressOfTemperaturePolynomial
Mathematischen Ausdruck der Form x>=5 ?
toHex(byte) - Static method in class de.stefanreiser.StringUtils
Liefert String, der dem Hex-Wert des Bytes entspricht.
toHex(byte[]) - Static method in class de.stefanreiser.StringUtils
Überführt ein Bytes-Array in einen Hex-String.
ToolTipTableCellRenderer - Class in de.stefanreiser.swing
Erweitert javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer.
ToolTipTableCellRenderer() - Constructor for class de.stefanreiser.swing.ToolTipTableCellRenderer
toPrimitiveDouble(Double[]) - Static method in class de.stefanreiser.ArrayUtil
Double[]-Array in primitives double[]-Array umwandeln.
toPrimitiveDouble(List<Double>) - Static method in class de.stefanreiser.ArrayUtil
ArrayList(Double) in primitives double[]-Array umwandeln.
toPrimitiveInt(Integer[]) - Static method in class de.stefanreiser.ArrayUtil
Integer[]-Array in primitives int[]-Array umwandeln.
toPrimitiveInt(List<Integer>) - Static method in class de.stefanreiser.ArrayUtil
ArrayList(Integer) in primitives int[]-Array umwandeln.
toString() - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.combobox.ComboBoxPairItem
toString() - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.Vector
toString() - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.physics.geo.bottomtemperature.AbstractBottomTemperature
toString() - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.physics.materials.StressOfTemperaturePolynomial
Liefert mit Leerzeichen getrennte Liste der Polynomkoeffizienten.
toString(double[]) - Static method in class de.stefanreiser.ArrayUtil
Wandelt Array in String um.
toTSVString() - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.Vector
als TAB-getrennter String
toUnicodeEscapeSequence(String) - Static method in class de.stefanreiser.StringUtils
Converts a string into a sequence of 4-digits unicode escape sequences.
trace() - Method in class Jama.Matrix
Matrix trace.
transpose() - Method in class Jama.Matrix
Matrix transpose.
TridiagonalMatrix - Class in de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.matrix.tridiag
Tridiagonale Matrix.
TridiagonalMatrix(int) - Constructor for class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.matrix.tridiag.TridiagonalMatrix
Erzeugt eine Tridiagonalmatrix T mit n Zeilen.
Tui - Class in
Ein paar Funktionen für ANSI-Escape-Codes.
Tui() - Constructor for class
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