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SaturationVaporPressureFormulas - Class in de.tu_bs.isbs.util.physics
Verschiedene Formeln für den Sättigungsdampfdruck.
say(Object...) - Method in interface
Nimmt Meldungen entgegen, die in irgendeiner Weise angezeigt werden sollen.
send(String...) - Method in class
sendln(String) - Method in class
Server - Class in
ServerException - Exception in
ServerException(String) - Constructor for exception
ServerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
ServerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
session() - Method in class
session() - Method in class
set(int, double) - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.Vector
Sets element at index i to value s.
set(int, int, double) - Method in class Jama.Matrix
Set a single element.
set(String, String, String) - Static method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.prefs.PreferencesUtil
Speichert den Wert eines durch einen Pfad und Namen definierten Attributs.
setBorderGap(int) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.text.TextLineNumber
The border gap is used in calculating the left and right insets of the border.
setCancelable(Cancelable) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.JPanelWaiting
setCancelButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.JPanelWaiting
setCellRendererForTable(JTable) - Static method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.ToolTipTableCellRenderer
Versieht alle Spalten der angegebene Tabelle mit diesem CellRenderer.
setChecked(int, boolean) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.misc.JCheckBoxList
setCheckedIndices(int[]) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.misc.JCheckBoxList
setCheckedIndices(Integer[]) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.misc.JCheckBoxList
setCheckedIndices(ArrayList<Integer>) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.misc.JCheckBoxList
setCloseButtonAction(Runnable) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.JPanelWaiting
setCloseButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.JPanelWaiting
setConfirmBeforeCancel(boolean) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.JPanelWaiting
setConfirmClosing(boolean) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.text.JDialogTextAreaEditor
setCurrentLineForeground(Color) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.text.TextLineNumber
The Color used to render the current line digits.
setData(LinkedHashMap<String, ? extends Object>, Class) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.JKeyValueList
Füllt die Tabelle mit einem Datensatz.
setDebuggingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
setDebuggingEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface
Schaltet Ausgabe von Debugging-Meldungen ein oder aus.
setDiag(int, double) - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.matrix.tridiag.TridiagonalMatrix
Diagonale bestücken.
setDigitAlignment(float) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.text.TextLineNumber
Specify the horizontal alignment of the digits within the component.
setDocument(Document) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.text.JTextArea
setEpsabs(double) - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.quadrature.AdaptiveQuadrature
setEpsrel(double) - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.quadrature.AdaptiveQuadrature
setErrtol(double) - Static method in class netlib.slatec.Drc
setErrtol(double) - Static method in class netlib.slatec.Drd
Sets ERRTOL (and as a side effect UPLIM).
setErrtol(double) - Static method in class netlib.slatec.Drf
setErrtol(double) - Static method in class netlib.slatec.Drj
setIntegrationRule(int) - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.quadrature.SimpleQuadrature
Wählt die zu verwendende Quadraturformel.
setIsDone(boolean) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.JPanelWaiting
setKey(int) - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.quadrature.AdaptiveQuadrature
setMatrix(int[], int[], Matrix) - Method in class Jama.Matrix
Set a submatrix.
setMatrix(int[], int, int, Matrix) - Method in class Jama.Matrix
Set a submatrix.
setMatrix(int, int, int[], Matrix) - Method in class Jama.Matrix
Set a submatrix.
setMatrix(int, int, int, int, Matrix) - Method in class Jama.Matrix
Set a submatrix.
setMaxEval(int) - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.quadrature.AdaptiveQuadrature
setMessage(Object) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.JPanelWaiting
Setzt die anzuzeigende Nachricht.
setMinimumDisplayDigits(int) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.text.TextLineNumber
Specify the mimimum number of digits used to calculate the preferred width of the component.
setModel(ListModel) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.misc.JCheckBoxList
setSubDiag(int, double) - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.matrix.tridiag.TridiagonalMatrix
Subdiagonale bestücken.
setSuperDiag(int, double) - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.matrix.tridiag.TridiagonalMatrix
Superdiagonale bestücken.
setTemperatureFunction(DifferentiableFunction) - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.physics.rheology.RestrainedMaxwellModel
setTemperatureFunction(DifferentiableFunction) - Method in interface de.tu_bs.isbs.util.physics.rheology.RheoModel
setText(String) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.text.JTextArea
Setzt Inhalt auf text, löscht Undo/Redo-Historie.
setTitle(String) - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.physics.geo.bottomtemperature.AbstractBottomTemperature
setUpdateFont(boolean) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.text.TextLineNumber
Set the update font property.
setViscosity(Viscosity) - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.physics.rheology.RestrainedMaxwellModel
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.text.JDialogTextAreaEditor
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.text.JDialogTextFieldEditor
shortForm() - Method in class jargs.gnu.CmdLineParser.Option
showYesNoDialogDefaultNo(Component, Object, String) - Static method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.SwingUtils
Sicherer Ersatz für JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog() für kritische Situationen: Zeigt Bestätigungsdialog, bei dem "Nein" voreingestellt ist.
showYesNoDialogDefaultNo(Object, String) - Static method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.SwingUtils
Sicherer Ersatz für JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog() für kritische Situationen: Zeigt Bestätigungsdialog, bei dem "Nein" voreingestellt ist.
shutdown() - Method in class
Notifies server to shutdown.
sigma - Static variable in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.physics.FundamentalPhysicalConstants
Stefan/Boltzmann-Konstante [W m**(-2) K**(-4)] (CODATA 2006)
SimpleQuadrature - Class in de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.quadrature
Zugriff auf die QUADPACK-Funktionen dqk15, dqk21, dqk31, dqk41, dqk51, dqk61.
SimpleQuadrature() - Constructor for class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.quadrature.SimpleQuadrature
SingularValueDecomposition - Class in Jama
Singular Value Decomposition.
SingularValueDecomposition(Matrix) - Constructor for class Jama.SingularValueDecomposition
Construct the singular value decomposition
SlatecException(String, String, String, int, int) - Constructor for exception netlib.slatec.Xermsg.SlatecException
SOCKET_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class
SOCKET_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class
solve(double[]) - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.matrix.tridiag.TridiagonalMatrix
Löst das Gleichungssystem T*x = LR*x = d für gegebene rechte Seite d.
solve(Matrix) - Method in class Jama.CholeskyDecomposition
Solve A*X = B
solve(Matrix) - Method in class Jama.LUDecomposition
Solve A*X = B
solve(Matrix) - Method in class Jama.Matrix
Solve A*X = B
solve(Matrix) - Method in class Jama.QRDecomposition
Least squares solution of A*X = B
solveTranspose(Matrix) - Method in class Jama.Matrix
Solve X*A = B, which is also A'*X' = B'
squareOfEuclidianLength() - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.Vector
Länge des Vektors zum Quadrat.
statusBar(String) - Static method in class
statusBar(String, int) - Static method in class
storeComponent(Component, String) - Static method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.prefs.PreferencesUtil
Stores a Component's size and position to registry.
storeTableColumnSizes(JTable, String) - Static method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.prefs.PreferencesUtil
Stores the widths of the columns of a JTable to registry.
stress(double, double, double) - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.physics.rheology.RestrainedMaxwellModel
stress(double, double, double) - Method in interface de.tu_bs.isbs.util.physics.rheology.RheoModel
Berechnung der Spannung zum Zeitpunkt t.
StressCalculationException(String) - Constructor for exception de.tu_bs.isbs.util.physics.rheology.RheoModel.StressCalculationException
StressCalculationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.tu_bs.isbs.util.physics.rheology.RheoModel.StressCalculationException
StressCalculationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.tu_bs.isbs.util.physics.rheology.RheoModel.StressCalculationException
StressOfTemperaturePolynomial - Class in de.tu_bs.isbs.util.physics.materials
Funktion sigma(T) in MPa, T in °C.
StringOption(char, String) - Constructor for class jargs.gnu.CmdLineParser.Option.StringOption
StringOption(String) - Constructor for class jargs.gnu.CmdLineParser.Option.StringOption
StringUtils - Class in de.stefanreiser
Statische Hilfsmethoden für Strings.
SUBROU - Variable in exception netlib.slatec.Xermsg.SlatecException
sumAbs() - Method in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math.Vector
Liefert Summe der Absolutwerte aller Vektorelemente.
svd() - Method in class Jama.Matrix
Singular Value Decomposition
SwingUtils - Class in de.stefanreiser.swing
Diverse nützliche Dinge für Swing-Dialoge.
SystemLoggerOut2Err - Class in
Wie DefaultSystemLogger, jedoch wird für alle Ausgaben System.err benutzt.
SystemLoggerOut2Err() - Constructor for class
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