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beginTS - Variable in class de.tu_bs.isbs.util.physics.timeseries.Period
Anfang der Zeitreihe
besj0(double) - Static method in class netlib.specfun.Besj0
Besj0 - Class in netlib.specfun
besj1(double) - Static method in class netlib.specfun.Besj1
Besj1 - Class in netlib.specfun
Bessel - Class in de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math
Besselfunktionen J0, J1, Y0, Y1.
BesselIntegral - Class in de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math
Computes Infinite Integrals Involving the Product of Two Bessel Functions.
BesselJZeros - Class in de.tu_bs.isbs.util.math
The zeros of the Bessel functions J0(x), J1(x) and J2(x) for |x| < 1000, rounded to 20 significant digits.
besy0(double) - Static method in class netlib.specfun.Besy0
Besy0 - Class in netlib.specfun
besy1(double) - Static method in class netlib.specfun.Besy1
Besy1 - Class in netlib.specfun
blink(JTextComponent) - Method in class de.stefanreiser.swing.text.Blink
Lässt die angegebene Textkomponente kurz rot aufblinken.
Blink - Class in de.stefanreiser.swing.text
Lässt eine Textkomponente einmal rot aufblinken.
Blink() - Constructor for class de.stefanreiser.swing.text.Blink
BooleanOption(char, String) - Constructor for class jargs.gnu.CmdLineParser.Option.BooleanOption
BooleanOption(String) - Constructor for class jargs.gnu.CmdLineParser.Option.BooleanOption
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